Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blog Post #3- Analysis Essay

Blog Post #3- Analysis Essay

Essay #1 “I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady

Judy Brady’s essay seems to have a rather sarcastic tone to it.  The author seems to be voicing her opinion towards a seemingly ungrateful husband too preoccupied with his own studies and life to notice all of the things his wife is doing for him and their children. The main point of the article seems to point out all of the things that a husband is expecting a wife to do for him and his children without thinking about herself in any way.  These duties should be done without complaint or any questions. As she continues to list the various roles a wife should play, the obligations seem to get more and more ridiculous to the point that the husband should be able to choose another wife if he wants without any repercussions! I think that the last sentence of her essay sums up her point perfectly. After all, as a husband that gets to have his cake and eat it too, who wouldn’t want a wife?

Essay #2 “Men-It’s in Their Nature” by Christina Sommers

Christina Sommers’ essay hits on the point that boys will be boys.  Boys are roughhousing risk takers with good spatial reasoning skills and a lack of emotion. She goes on to cite specific examples but makes a rather poignant remark about “healthy” masculinity.  Civilizing boys helps them to harness those unique traits that separate them as boys versus girls.  She states a lack of support for the failures of resocializing versus civilizing boys.  She even goes so far as point out how certain characteristics, such as aggression and risk-taking, are essential when properly channeled by such virtues as valor and self-sacrifice. She seems to suggest that rather than try and change the behaviors and characteristics of boys, let’s try and focus those traits in a way that improves the safety and well-being of our society.

I have decided to do my analysis essay based on “Men-Its in Their Nature.” I feel like the essay has a much more positive and constructive tone.  The author suggests the potential of boys’ behaviors and tendencies rather than listing their faults in a largely sarcastic tone. I understand the blunt point that Judy Brady is making in her article, however, there seems to be more purpose to Sommers article. I run the risk of being biased due to the fact that Brady’s article it much more pessimistic but would rather comment on Sommers’ suggestions of civilizing boysto make a greater overall impact on society. 

I commented on charlotte's blog and Kyler's blog


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great summaries! I totally agree with your reasoning for choosing Sommers' article. I want to analyze Sommers' article for similar reasons. I hope your analysis turns out well!

  3. Your summaries are great, Judd. I think you really focused on the key points from each article. I would recommend that as you work through your paper, that you try not to focus on your opinions and insert mostly facts and evidence for your final paper.
